
Coaching Program

Coaching Program


Are You Having Sex With Your Wife That Is JUST Good Enough To Keep You Together?

Maybe it happens 2 or 3 times per month in a couple of different positions and like a carrot on a stick, it keeps you optimistic that one day it will get better.

But it never does get better and you can’t figure out what is going wrong.

She gives you the usual excuses about being too tired or having a ‘low libido’ when you cuddle up to her in bed and you begrudgingly accept it.

Until she throws you a bone every now and then, agreeing to have sex with you.

It satisfies you JUST enough so that you don’t think too strongly about leaving her, and the cycle repeats year after year until you find yourself reading this now.

To accept a sex life like this from your wife has gone on long enough and it’s time to either fix it or leave her.

How Do You Fix Mediocre Or Non-Existent Sex With Your Wife?

You have to fix it by fixing yourself.

This is because your wife is your reflection, she is responding to your behaviours, mindset and the beliefs you hold about yourself.

Until you change those 3 things, she will never change, and the ‘just good enough’ sex will continue until it fizzles out into nothing in old age.

For example, think about the daily behaviours, mindsets and beliefs of any of your favourite action movie characters:

  1. They do interesting things with their time
  2. They are mission focused
  3. They think big
  4. They think ambitiously
  5. They believe they are heroic
  6. They believe they are tough
  7. They believe they are drooled over by women

And in response, the women they interact with treat them accordingly. They mirror these characteristics.

His masculinity opens up her femininity.

And this is exactly how you need to get your wife to respond to you.

How Do You Change Your Behaviours, Beliefs And Mindset Without Your Wife Thinking You’re Faking It And Laughing At You?

You need to undergo what we call a ‘Masculinity Reset’.

This involves you becoming the ideal version of yourself, whether your wife approves of it or not.

But this can only work if you genuinely do not care whether or not your wife will like the new, ideal version of you.

You need to risk the small possibility of her packing her bags and leaving you when you do this.

Ironically, this genuine indifference will work in your favour and she’ll come back to you stronger than ever.

The Work Isn’t Over At This Stage…

You’ve reset yourself and restored the masculine-feminine polarity with your wife, now you need to work on rebuilding the sexual tension with her.

Sexual tension is the key to getting your wife enthusiastic for you in the bedroom.

Without sexual tension you will go back to getting the 2-3 times per month obligatory sex that brought you here in the first place.

But with sexual tension you will unlock her inner ‘Slut’, ‘Pornstar’, ‘Whore’ or whatever you want to call it.

This isn’t hyperbole.

Think back to the kind of sex you had when you first met her. It was frequent, intense, messy, animalistic and without limits, all because there was HUGE amounts of sexual tension between you two.

Sexual tension is the buzz in the air right before you start kissing and ripping each other’s clothes off and it is created by being polar opposites on the masculine-feminine scale.

The more masculine you are, the more feminine she will become and the more sexual tension it will be possible to create.

When you first met there was plenty of sexual tension between the two of you because you were mysterious and new to her. Her imagination could run wild and she saw you as even more exciting than you really were.

So How Are You Going To Rebuild This Kind Of Sexual Tension Now That Almost All Of The Mystery Is Gone?

You can’t recreate the time that you first met, but you can recreate yourself and make yourself seem new and mysterious to her once again.

Even after years of marriage.

The key to this is in spending more time apart, and doing interesting things in that time apart.

Then the next most important part is not telling her every little detail about what happened in your time.

Let the mystery build and build and only ever give her a fraction of the details.

This curiosity and mild jealousy will make her chase you for your time, attention and affection.

Which are pure sexual tension fuel.

Once the feeling is electric between the 2 of you, that’s when you initiate sex and get her doing whatever kind of crazy stuff you want.

The More Sexual Tension, The More Animalistic The Sex

To have truly great, memorable sex with your wife, you need to bring her completely into the present moment or she’ll start to rationalise the kinky stuff and ask you to stop.

You know, things like BDSM, rough sex, blowjobs and swallowing your load.

These things are never turned down when she is actively trying to keep you interested and please you.

Now Let’s Recap What You Need To Do In Order To Get The Kind Of Sex You Want From Your Wife, When You Want It…

  1. Undergo what we call a ‘Masculinity Reset’
  2. Restore the masculine-feminine polarity to the highest levels possible
  3. Rebuild the sexual tension until it’s electric and ready to snap
  4. Bring her fully into the present moment and initiate the sex

This is exactly what we will take you through in this coaching program, step by step.

We’ve taken 100’s of clients through this process and know all of the possible sticking points and obstacles that are going to come your way as you begin the process of resetting your relationship.

But before you get started, let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions people have before working with us:

1. “Do You Have To Be Coached?”

No. You can join the coaching program and work through the materials by yourself in your own time. Then should you feel like reaching out for help, you are fine to do so.

2. “Who Exactly Is The Program For?”

This coaching program is exclusively for married men or men in a long term relationship that are not getting the kind of sex they want to be getting from their partner.

It is also only going to work if you live in the same home as your wife or partner. We can’t help you if you’re in a long distance relationship, as it’s not a real relationship.

3. “What Does The Coaching Involve?”

The coaching is entirely text based, using the built in direct messenger in our coaching program member’s site.

You sign up, your coach will send you a message asking about your marriage issues and goals, you’ll get back to him with as many details as you can and he’ll set you off with your first instructions.

Then once you have carried out those instructions, you’ll give your coach feedback on how it all went and he’ll then provide you another set of instructions, unique to you and your specific issues.

You will then rinse and repeat this process until you’re satisfied with what happens during sex with your wife.

4. “How Long Will It Take To Get Results?”

You’ll get your first results literally the same day you start if you begin applying the program materials we’ll provide you, because we’ve designed the steps to be extremely actionable.

But really noticeable, big results are going to take 1-3 months of sustained effort. There’s no getting around this, but your coach will be on hand the second an issue pops up, which will keep your progress smooth and consistent.

5. “How Long Do You Get Access To A Coach For?”

The ability to reach out to your coach is unlimited and you can drop them a message as and when you need extra guidance.

6. “What Happens If You Don’t Get Results? Is There A Guarantee With The Program?”

Provided you reach out to your coach with updates and new questions everyday for the first 14 days of being in the program, if you don’t see any changes at all in your wife, we’ll refund you no questions asked.

This to us is proof that you have tried to implement our instructions and it has gotten you nowhere, therefore you deserve your money back.

We won’t ask you for proof, just follow this one clause and we’ll honour our word.

7. “Is It Discreet And Will We Handle Your Privacy Professionally?

Yes. You can join our coaching program member’s site anonymously. (Our member’s site is hosted on Mighty Networks)

We will never share a screenshot of your successes without asking you first and it will be done anonymously when we do. You’re free to say no to it as well. 

We understand the sensitive nature of the topic we teach and keep everything between you and your coach.

8. “Does Your Wife Need To Know You Are Being Coached On This Topic?”

No. It is best if you don’t tell her about your coaching, not because it will no longer work, but because she may feel attacked and offended by you wanting to make changes to your marriage. Despite your good intentions.

Our coaching instructions are so subtle that your wife will never know there is a huge transformation underway.

We won’t have you doing anything gimmicky or over the top, our instructions are smooth and under the radar.

9. “If your wife’s medical issues are the reason why you aren’t having good sex, is this coaching program a solution to this?”

No. If your wife’s medical issues are the reason why you are not having the kind of sex you should be then you must seek guidance from a medical professional.

We are not medical or legal professionals.

10. “Who Should Not Join The Program?”

  • Single men
  • Men not living with their Wife or Girlfriend
  • Men wanting to become the submissive partner
  • Any man who is fully satisfied with their sex life

11. “Why Is It This Price?”

What price would you put on having a Wife who is happily willing to satisfy you sexually and domestically?

$10k? $100k? More?

We charge a fraction of this program's worth, especially when you consider the cost of a potential divorce, both financially, emotionally and socially.

And don’t forget the time and energy you are currently spending frustrated and stressed out with how things are. That’s time and energy that could be put into your work/business, potential income lost.

12. “Is It A Single Payment?”

Yes. It is one payment for unlimited access to the program materials and 1 on 1 access to a coach.

There are no renewal fees and no time limits.

13. “Why Does Gumroad Add VAT On To The Listed Price?”

This is dependent on where your IP address says you are purchasing from. The rate will vary from 0% to 20+% depending on the country your internet connection appears to be coming from.

14. “What Happens As Soon As You Purchase?”

As soon as you purchase access to the coaching program on Gumroad, you will be given a link to join the member’s site.

You can then browse the program materials until your coach is online, if they aren’t already.

Once your coach is online, they will reach out to you via our built-in private chat and get to know your backstory, relationship issues and things you want to improve.

(Your coach will always respond to your messages within 24 hours but it’s often much sooner than that.)

15. “What Will Appear On Your Credit Card Or Bank Statement?”

This all depends on the type of card you use to purchase, but even Gumroad doesn’t know precisely what will appear on your statement.

But it will definitely be listed as a payment to Gumroad, as they are the merchant on record.

If you share accounts with your Wife it would be best to use a personal account to be 100% sure about your privacy.

16. “What Does The Member’s Site Look Like?”

Here are some screenshots from inside...

17. “What Program Materials Are Inside?”

The program materials are broken up into 5 main stages:

Stage 1 - Masculinity Reset

Stage 2 - Become Her Ideal Man

Stage 3 - Be The Boss Without Being Bossy

Stage 4 - Sexual Step By Step Guides

Stage 5 - Dominant Bedroom Moves Masterclass

And on top of that there is a collection of 150+ custom made GIFs illustrating all kinds of crazy sexual techniques for you to implement with your wife.

You will also get our Elite Performance Program, which will show you how to smoothly handle lasting longer in bed and staying erect during sex, without needing any strange pills or surgeries.

There are also various guides showing you how to correctly flirt with your wife in order to build plenty of sexual tension with her, and then how to initiate sex smoothly using that sexual tension.

It’s an extremely comprehensive program that leaves no stone unturned when it comes to getting what you want from your wife during sex.

18. “Who Can You Talk To If You Need More Information Before You Start?”

You can reach out to Arthur, your coach. You can send a DM on Twitter to @polarityperfect or you can send an email to clientcare@dominantpolarity.com with your further questions.

What Kind Of Improvements Have We Made In Our Client’s Marriages?

Here’s some mini case studies for you. (You’ll notice that we have to share these examples anonymously to protect our client’s privacy)

Client 1

We helped this man get his wife to try anal sex for the first time. We did this in 2 ways: 1. By giving him a series of steps to follow designed to get her more and more used to anal sensations and the idea of having anal sex. 2. By showing him how to get her more into the moment so she is less guarded and quick to say no.

It took this client 2-3 months to get to this point, but the time it will take you depends purely on where your relationship is currently at and how much effort you place on really spiking the sexual polarity and tension.

Client 2

We helped this man boost the sexual polarity and tension with his wife after having children.

She had neglected giving him a blowjob for a year and a half and with the steps we gave him to follow, he was able to inject some excitement back into the relationship.

We helped him achieve this by first helping him understand that he needs to give his wife more breaks from childcare and some ways he could do that in his situation.

This result was achieved after 1 -2 months of working with us.

Client 3

We helped this man achieve something that you might think is extremely simple… we inspired him to lead his wife through the reverse cowgirl position.

This may sound like an easy thing to get your wife to do, but you’d be very surprised at the kind of hangups we hear of women having in the bedroom, and they all stem from a lack of confidence and sometimes a lack of attraction. In this man’s case it was purely a confidence issue.

Client 4

We helped this man massively boost the masculine-feminine polarity of his relationship using sex. He was able to open up his shy and reserved wife and make her express herself more about the topic of sex.

We did this by showing him how to talk about sex smoothly outside of the bedroom and how to break taboos during sex so that no topic was off limits or awkward. It’s really important to not talk directly about sex before you get her to open up sexually, then once you have made her more sexually adventurous, you can begin to talk about it more bluntly and get her views on it.

Client 5

We helped this man overcome the fact that his wife lost her raw sexuality after having kids, which is a really common issue we see.

We did this by first making sure he gave her plenty of alone time (without kids) so that she can feel like herself again and to give her time to even remember what sex is. We also made sure he was creating date nights that were deliberately designed to build a lot of sexual tension and rekindle that couple feeling.

Client 6

We helped this man to become his wife’s ideal man and as a result she decided to swallow his semen unprompted by him, for the first time. This is a very specific example of how becoming her ideal man will effortlessly open her up sexually, she reflects him.

This client mostly put it down to the Masculinity Reset stage of the program which is designed to iron out any of your weaknesses and transform you in front of your wife’s eyes. This has the effect of making her feel “left behind” in a healthy way, and she then tries to “catch up” with you in all kinds of ways. One of those ways being to keep your attention sexually as you become a better man.

Client 7

We helped this man sexualise his wife and get her comfortable with talking dirty to him, which is a key part of opening her up in the bedroom. If she can verbalise the craziest sexual activities, she will start to feel more confident in her sexual abilities.

Our methods will show you how to change how your wife sees herself, which is a HUGE factor in how she behaves in the bedroom. If she has a lot of self imposed sexual limits, changing how she sees herself will remove all of those bedroom limits.

Stop Putting Up With Sex That Is JUST Good Enough To Keep You Together, Hanging On In The Hope That It Will Magically Improve One Day!

It’s not going to improve until you decide to start improving it, and remember that watching pornography to try and get your sexual needs met is only dragging out the issue and pushing great sex further away.

All of your sexual energy needs to be directed at your wife.

Because your wife is never going to improve the sex for you, that’s your job, you lead her and she follows you.

Think Of The Kinds Of Things You Could Be Doing With Your Wife If You Knew How To Create Lots Of Sexual Tension And Get Her Into The Present Moment…

What’s on your sex bucket list?

Whatever you have in mind, we can show you how to lead your wife through it without having to awkwardly ask her to do anything.

Anal sex?

Having her swallow your semen?


Getting her to talk dirty?

Rougher sex?

You’ll get help with all of these things and more.

But These Are The Most Important Things You Will Learn From Working With Us…

⭐ How to fix your wife’s lack of interest in you sexually so that it doesn’t happen again with her, or any other woman in the future.

⭐ How to restore and then maintain a healthy masculine-feminine polarity with your wife for the rest of your marriage.

⭐ How to build up huge amounts of sexual tension with your wife so that she is ‘always ready’ for sex when you’re ready for sex.

⭐ How to initiate sex smoothly and at the right time so that you can turn every sex session into something memorable.

⭐ How to effortlessly remove pornography from your life without even thinking about it, all because you’re getting what you want from your wife sexually.

Are you ready to begin resetting your relationship?

Click the pay button and get instant access to the coaching program now.

We’ll see you inside.

Let’s Go!

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