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Married Man's Leverage

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Married Man's Leverage

44 ratings

Trying to sleeping with your wife can feel like pulling teeth sometimes, but this is because you're doing everything backwards...

You don't give a woman your time/attention/validation in an attempt to turn her on, she must give you her time/attention/validation in order to get turned on.

This is the definition of her in chase mode.

Why does she enjoy being in chase mode?

Because women are 'Relationship Builders'.

Whereas men are what I call 'World Builders'.

But here's the interesting part, if a woman feels like she has a 'perfect' relationship/man on paper, then she loses the thrill of the chase and gets bored.

So what you have to do is focus on being a World Builder, and never fall into the feminine role of being a Relationship Builder.

I've now 'gone dark' with the advice I hand out on this topic, because you as a man have to take on the role of the 'mean guy'.

Or she simply cannot get aroused.

Here are the topics I break down in this Masterclass:

  1. Why men are World Builders and what that looks like, including the spiritual aspects.
  2. Why women are Relationship Builders and what that looks like.
  3. Why you can never play the role of Relationship Builder, and how to avoid that.
  4. The 'perfect relationship' paradox women face and your role in that.
  5. Why the 'Orgosm Chaser' feels entitled to sex, and why the World Builder forgets what sex is. (I had to misspell it to post this)
  6. How you WILL build sexual tension as a World Builder.
  7. Why her emotional roller coaster cannot be stopped, or your relationship will stop.

It will take you 25-30 minutes to read through the whole thing, but you won't be able to put it down until you finish because this new way of seeing things is so powerful.

This whole Masterclass poured out of me in one day and you'll get a sense of that as you read it.

I'm hosting this in my Mighty Networks private community, so you'll be able to post your relevant questions beneath the guides and I'll address them for you.

For the first 7 days of starting this Masterclass, you will also get 50% off one of my bedroom leadership programs. Just reach out and I'll send you a link to a program of your choice. (Details inside)

(For the first 14 days you can also get 10% off my Ultimate Package program. That's 10% off, along with the combined price of any other purchases you have made.)

So if you're ready to become the 'mean one' in your marriage and regain the leverage in the bedroom, click the 'Buy This' button now and I'll see you inside.

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